Das Dschungelbuch

(»The Jungle Book«)

Thu, 13/12
10.00 am-11.45 am, Deutsches Theater

eine Pause

Prices: DT1
Family Musical

by Alexander Berghaus after Rudyard Kipling
Music by Bob Edwards and Hans-Wolfgang Bleich

Premiere am 30.11.2012 im Deutschen Theater Zelt

The tiger is back! And the animals of the jungle are very worried about Mowgli, the man cub. Will Bagheera the panther and Baloo the bear manage to bring Mowgli to safety in time? … All will be revealed in our family musical in the theatre tent at Christmas – in a fairy-tale jungle, and with plenty of dancing and music, of course!

A black shadow dropped down into the circle. It was Bagheera, the Black Panther, inky black all over, but with the panther markings showing up in certain lights like the pattern of watered silk. Everybody knew Bagheera, and nobody cared to cross his path; for he was as cunning as Tabaqui, as bold as the wild buffalo, and as reckless as Hathi, the elephant, when he is wounded. But had a voice as soft as wild honey dripping from a tree, and a skin softer than down.
Rudyard Kipling, "The Jungle Book"

Through the poem that I have brought forth,
I have turned the world into Paradise ...


Mowgli's Song

Ich hab im Dschungel hier das schönste Leben,
und alle Tiere sind mit mir per Du.
Und wenn die Wölfe mir die Pfote geben,
dann schauen alle andern freundlich zu.

Baghira meint zwar, manches ist gefährlich,
doch ich bin frei und mach, was mir gefällt.
Und ich glaub nicht, dass mir jemand Böses tut.
Der Dschungel ist meine schönste Welt.

Wenn mir zu kalt ist, lieg ich in der Sonne,
wenn mir zu heiß ist, spring ich in den Fluss.
Mit Freunden gibt es immer Abenteuer.
Der Dschungel ist meine schönste Welt!

(I have the most wonderful life here in the jungle,
and I'm on first-name terms with all the animals.
And when the wolves give me their paw,
Then the others all look kindly on.

Bagheera thinks some things are dangerous,
but I am free and do what I like.
And I don't think anyone will do me any harm.
The jungle is my most beautiful world.

If I am too cold, I lie in the sun,
if I am too hot, I jump in the river.
With friends, there are always adventures.
The jungle is my most beautiful world.

Cast on 13/12/2012

Musikalische Leitung Liviu Petcu
Choreografie Marcus Tesch
Bühne und Kostüme Judith Leikauf, Karl Fehringer
Dramaturgie Judith Altmann

Mogli Aron Keleta
Kaa, Elefantenmutter Wahnhilde, Gepard Bettina Mönch
Shir Khan, Wasserbüffel Erwin Windegger
King Lui, Tabaqui, Elefant Rupert, Geier Stepper Stefan Bischoff
Wolfchef Akela, Elefant Hubert, Affe Freddy Frank Berg
Elefantenoberst Hathi, alter Wolf Martin Hausberg
Wolfsmutter Olga, Elefantenoma Ulrike Dostal
Babyfant, Affe Uschi, Vogel Franziska Kemna
Geier Tschil, Affe Christian Schleinzer
Geier Tschul, Affe Maurice Klemm
Geier Schlurf, Affe, Wolf, Elefant, Krokodil Dustin Smailes
Wolf, Elefant, Affe, Vogel Strauß Victor Petersen
Stinktier, Wolf, Affe Till Kleine-Möller

Musicians of the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz

Thu, 13/12
10.00 am-11.45 am, Deutsches Theater

eine Pause

Prices: DT1