Wolfgang Hübsch
Wolfgang Hübsch, who has been honoured with the title of Chamber Actor, was born in Steyr in Austria. After studying drama at the Mozarteum in Salzburg and spending his initial years in Salzburg and Klagenfurt, he finally managed the leap to the Volkstheater in Vienna. In 1970 he moved to Munich to Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel, from where Gerhard Klingenberg called him to the Burgtheater in Vienna. Here, he played over 50 different roles, including 20 leading roles, in almost 20 years, before leaving the Burgtheater in 1989 to work as a freelance actor.
Wolfgang Hübsch is the bearer of the Badge of Honour for Services to the Austrian Republic and the Gold Medal of Honour of the City of Vienna. In 2001, he received the Karl Skraup Prize for best actor and he was nominated for the »Nestroy« Austrian Theatre Prize in 2003.