Wietske van Tongeren
© Christian Ariel Heredia


Wietske van Tongeren

Wietske van Tongeren received her training at the Tilburg Conservatory in the Netherlands. At the beginning of her career she played the title role in »Elisabeth« in Vienna and Stuttgart. In Vienna she also created the role of Ich in »Rebecca«, was seen as Grizabella in »Cats« and as Stephanie in »Rudolf ‒ Affaire Mayerling«. She created the female lead Adrian for the world premiere of »Rocky ‒ The Musical« in Hamburg and appeared in the German-language premiere of »Lady Bess« as Mary Tudor at the Theater St. Gallen. She has also played roles such as Cinderella (»Into the Woods«), Queen Anne (»3 Musketeers«), Ellen (»Miss Saigon«), Betty Schaefer (»Sunset Boulevard«), Maria von Trapp (»The Sound of Music«), Rose (»Aspects of Love«), Tonia (»Doctor Zhivago«) and Baronin von Waldstätten (»Mozart!«).