Ulrike Dostal
© Markus Tordik
Ulrike Dostal
© Christian POGO Zach


Ulrike Dostal

Ulrike Dostal was born in Regensburg and trained as an actress at the »Pygmalion« School of Drama in Vienna and the Munich Drama Studio. In parallel to this, she took private singing lessons and attended various courses on musicals. While she was still training, she was awarded the Lore Bronner Prize for Young Artists in 1998 and the Prize for Best Ensemble Achievement for »Music Hall« at the Bavarian Theatre Conference in Coburg in 2009.

Ulrike Dostal has appeared as an actress in a large number of roles in such cities as Munich, Cologne and Düsseldorf and at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. She played Irina (»Drei Schwestern«) and the title role in Kleistʼs »Penthesilea« in Munichʼs Black Box, plus Gretchen (»Faust«) in the Munich Galerietheater and has appeared in various film and television productions such as »Der Bulle von Tölz« and »5 Meter später«.

She has been employed at the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz as an actress and director of extras since 1999. She has appeared here as the Witch of the West (»Der Zauberer von Oz«), Ida (»Die Fledermaus«), Peep-Bo (»Der Mikado oder die Stadt Titipu«), Chava (»Anatevka«), Ermengarde (»Hello, Dolly!«), in multiple roles in the first performance of the musical »Marilyn« and as Gusti (»Die Faschingsfee«). She also works as assistant director and evening show director.

In addition, she is a member of the ensemble of the Munich Galerie-Theater, the Ensemble-Theater München, the acting ensemble »Weis(s)er Stadtvogel« and the Junges Schauspielensemble München.


Thu, 19/06/25
06.00–08.55 pm
Tickets from 19/03
Sat, 21/06/25
07.00–09.55 pm
Tickets from 21/03
Sun, 22/06/25
06.00–08.55 pm
Tickets from 22/03
Sat, 05/07/25
07.00–09.55 pm
Tickets from 05/04
Sun, 06/07/25
06.00–08.55 pm
Tickets from 05/04
Sat, 12/07/25
07.00–09.55 pm
Tickets from 12/04
Sun, 13/07/25
06.00–08.55 pm
Tickets from 12/04