Ein Mann in einem grauen Anzug hält sich an einer Laterne fest und springt in die Luft. Die Bühne ist dunkel.
Maximilian Mayer
© Alexander Moitzi
Maximilian Mayer
© Robert Brembeck


Maximilian Mayer

Maximilian Mayer was born in Regensburg. After graduating from the Regensburger Domspatzen music high school, he began his vocal studies with Peter Edelmann at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, which he completed with distinction in 2016. While still a student, he performed as Dr. Blind, Alfred and Gabriel von Eisenstein in »Die Fledermaus« as well as Ferrando in »Così fan tutte« and Rinuccio in »Gianni Schicchi« at the Schönbrunn Palace Theatre in Vienna.

Other engagements have taken him to the Stadttheater Baden, to the operklosterneuburg Festival, where he most recently appeared as Beppo in »Pagliacci«, as well as to the world’s largest operetta festival, the Seefestspiele Mörbisch, where he portrayed Count Stanislaus in »Der Vogelhändler« in 2017 and Count Gustav von Pottenstein in »Das Land des Lächelns« in 2019, and to the Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden as Tamino in »Die Zauberflöte«. He made his debut at the Dresden Semperoper in 2018 as Monostatos in »Die Zauberflöte«, where he interpreted Fritz in »Die Großherzogin von Gerolstein« in 2020.

In September 2015 Maximilian Mayer not only won 1st prize in the category »Musical – Operetta – Viennese Song« at the international Heinrich Strecker Cross-Over Competition, but also the audience prize and the special prize for the best interpretation of a Viennese song. In June 2017, he was awarded 1st prize in the MUT competition for musical entertainment theatre of the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz. Since the 2016/2017 season, the tenor has been part of the permanent ensemble of the Gärtnerplatztheater, where he has sung roles such as Camille de Rosillon (»Die lustige Witwe«), Knusperhexe (»Hansel and Gretel«), Erster Fremder (»Der Vetter aus Dingsda«), Ferrando and Tamino.