Katharina Lochmann
© Sylvia Zapletal


Katharina Lochmann

The musical performer Katharina Lochmann received her training at the Performing Arts Studios Vienna. Her first engagement took her to Bad Hersfeld (»Camelot«, »Amphitryon«), further engagements at the Graz Opera (»Singin’ in the Rain«, »Man of La Mancha«), the Klagenfurt City Theatre (»My Fair Lady«, »West Side Story«), the Vienna Jugendstil Theatre (»Lysistrate«) and the Vienna Theater der Jugend (»Pinocchio«). At the Kiel Opera she impersonated the Beggar Woman in »Sweeney Todd« and Grace Lamb in »Fame«, at the St. Gallen Theatre Ernestina Money and Irene Molloy in »Hello, Dolly!«, at the Frankenfestspiele Röttingen Klärchen in »Im weißen Rössl«, Pepi Pleininger in »Wiener Blut«, Fortuna in »Der große böse Geist Lumpazivagabundus« and at the Stadttheater Mödling Marilla Cuthbert in »Anne of Green Gables«.

She played in the two-person plays »Fred Astaire ‒ Ein Leben für den Tanz« (Freie Bühne Wieden) and »I Do! I Do!« (Theater Drachengasse Wien) and in the four-person play »I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change«. As a swing and at the same time violonist, she was engaged at the Folies Bergère in Paris in »Cabaret« and was on stage as Gumbie Cat and Jellylorum in »Cats« at the Théâtre Mogador in Paris as well as at the Vereinigte Bühnen Wien. Born in Vienna, she is a member of the »Tappin’ Times« tap company and »Team Sieberer«. At the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz she performed in »Anything Goes«, »Jesus Christ Superstar«, »Cinderella«, »Chitty Chitty Bang Bang«, »Die Faschingsfee«, »On the Town« and »Priscilla ‒ Queen of the Desert« as a performer and partly also as Dance Captain.


Fri, 02/05/25
06.00–08.35 pm
Musical Season premiere
Sat, 03/05/25
06.00–08.35 pm
Sun, 04/05/25
04.00–06.35 pm
Sat, 10/05/25
06.00–08.35 pm
Sun, 11/05/25
04.00–06.35 pm
Fri, 16/05/25
07.30–10.05 pm
Sun, 18/05/25
04.00–06.35 pm