Jutta Speidel
© Dirk Schiff
Jutta Speidel
© Carmen Lechtenbrink


Jutta Speidel

Jutta Speidel was born in Munich and already appeared in front of the camera in numerous feature films as a schoolgirl. This enabled her to gain her first professional experience alongside great colleagues. After training in acting and dance, director Rudolf Noelte brought her to the Renaissancetheater Berlin as Elektra in 1976. In the following years her professional engagements alternated between film, television and theatre. She appeared at the Theater in der Josefstadt and at the Burgtheater in Vienna, at the Festspielhaus in Bad Hersfeld, at the Komödie im Bayerischen Hof in Munich and in various theatre tours. In 1975 Rainer Erler filmed the cinema classic »Fleisch« with her. In the course of her more than 40-year professional life, well over 150 films followed, which were honoured with numerous awards. She gained further fame through her participation in the television series »Rivalen der Rennbahn«, »Drei sind einer zuviel«, »Forsthaus Falkenau«, »Alle meine Töchter« and »Um Himmels Willen«.

In 1997, she founded the non-profit association HORIZONT e.V., which cares for homeless children and their mothers in Munich. In 2004, a separate HORIZONT shelter was established, where those affected receive a safe temporary home and holistic care. A second house was opened in 2018 in Munich’s Domagkpark. HORIZONT’s work is financed almost exclusively through donations. In the 2018/2019 season, the Gärtnerplatztheater donated the proceeds from ticket sales of the once-a-year benefit performance in favour of HORIZONT e.V.

For her sustained social commitment, Jutta Speidel received important awards such as the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon, the Bavarian Order of Merit, the Medal for Special Services to Bavaria in a United Europe and, in 2019, the honorary citizenship of the state capital Munich. At the Gärtnerplatztheater she appeared in the series »Hinter dem Vorhang« in conversation with Minister of State Bernd Sibler and State Director Josef E. Köpplinger, as a reciter in the series »Sinfonische Lyrik« and as Mrs. Higgins in »My Fair Lady«.


Thu, 19/06/25
06.00–08.55 pm
Tickets from 19/03
Sat, 21/06/25
07.00–09.55 pm
Tickets from 21/03
Sun, 22/06/25
06.00–08.55 pm
Tickets from 22/03
Sat, 12/07/25
07.00–09.55 pm
Tickets from 12/04
Sun, 13/07/25
06.00–08.55 pm
Tickets from 12/04