Isabella Gregor
Isabella Gregor is a freelance director in the fields of opera, operetta, musical and drama. She has worked on stages in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, California and Singapore.
Her productions in the field of musical theatre include »Tiefe Gefühle« at the Gärtnerplatztheater (also play version), »Pagliacci«, »Cavalleria rusticana« and »Die Zauberflöte« at the Festival Oper Klosterneuburg, the world premiere of the cross-disciplinary chamber singspiel »Calculus« by W. Schulze at the Zurich Opera House Studio, »La traviata«, »Der Bettelstudent«, »Paganini« and »Im weißen Rössl« at Bühne Baden, »Der Vogelhändler, »My Fair Lady« and »Der Zarewitsch« at Lehár Festival Bad Ischl, »Eine Nacht in Venedig« at the Volkstheater Rostock (awarded the Audience Prize for the »Best Production 2019/2020«) and »Orphée aux enfers«, »Die Rose von Stambul«, »Der fidele Bauer«, »Boccaccio«, »Das Feuerwerk«, »Die lustige Witwe« and »Im weißen Rössl« at the Operetten-Herbsttage Blindenmarkt. She also worked on Georg Kreisler’s »Heute Abend Lola Blau« for the Tiroler Festspiele Erl (with invitations to guest performances at the Graz Opera House, the Vienna Volkstheater, the Korneuburger Musiksommer, the Klangfrühling Stadtschlaining and the Trier Theatre).
She has directed plays at the Vienna Theater in der Josefstadt, the Tiroler Landestheater Innsbruck, the Theater St. Gallen, the Team Theater Munich, the Mainfrankentheater Würzburg, the Phoenix Theater Linz, the Jugendstiltheater Vienna, the Singapore Repertory Theatre and the JM San Francisco. In the process, she wrote play versions and directed classics, comedies and world premieres. For three years she headed the acting department of the Gmundner Festwochen, was the initiator of the Arthur Schnitzler Festival and taught as a visiting drama teacher at Stanford University California.