Elisabet Morera Nadal
© Pedro Dias
Elisabet Morera Nadal
© Pedro Dias


Elisabet Morera Nadal

Elisabet Morera Nadal received her artistic training at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona. From 2018 to 2020, she was a member of IT Dansa, the company for young dance talents oft he Institut del Teatre, where she danced in Alexander Ekman’s »Whim«, in »Naked Thoughts« by Rafael Bonachela, »In Memoriam« by Sidi Larbi and Akram Khan’s »Kaash«, among others. A tour took her through France, Spain, Germany, Romania and Switzerland in 2019/20. From 2020 to 2022 she danced with the Regensburg Dance Company under the direction of Georg Reischl. During this time, she performed in »Juke Box Heroes« and »Sand« by Reischl, as well as in »Summertime« by Georg Reischl and Alessio Burani and »Mozart Mozart« by Georg Reischl and Luca Signoretti, among others. In Munich in 2022 she performed in »K.I.nd of human« by Roberta Pisu with the Arcis Saxophone Quartet. At the Gärtnerplatztheater she debuts in Georg Reischl’s »Höhenrausch«.