Elias  Glück
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Elias  Glück
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Elias Glück

Elias Glück was born in Munich in 2011. His musical talent was noticed early on, so that he began singing in the »Chorbande Schwabing« with Verena Kley and taking piano lessons at pre-school age. He gained acting experience in the ARD feature film production »Eine Sommerliebe zu dritt« directed by Nana Neul, as well as in independent theatre productions. Elias also took part in the ARD Christmas show »Otto Fröhliche« with Otto Waalkes. He also regularly enjoys co-hosting children’s programmes at Munich’s »Radio Feierwerk«. In the first Corona Lockdown, he and his brother produced the daily podcast »Corona Kids« for weeks. Since 2019 he has been singing in the children’s choir of the Gärtnerplatztheater and plays his first leading role as Jeremy Potts in »Chitty Chitty Bang Bang«.